
This page includes test shipment numbers and other information that you can use to make sure your integration works as planned. Use it to trigger different flows in your integration and ensure they are handled accordingly.

What are test numbers?

We have created a variety of test numbers that you can use to make calls the Tracking Request API and create fake shipments. Each number has a specific purpose and alows you to test and integrate specific flows. You can create tests against these numbers and always execpt to receive the same response. This is helpful when you want to test a specific webhooks notifications (ie: shipment.eta_changed, shipment.vessel_arrived etc) and you dont have a list of live shipments and containers that are in specific leg of their journey.

Tracking Request API

Shipments are created by making requests to the Tracking Request API. When using the API , ensure that:

  • you set the test number in request_number attribute in the request body
  • you set scac attribute as ‘TEST’ in the request body

Test Numbers

Number.Use Case
TEST-TR-SUCCEEDEDtest tracking_request.succeeded webhook
TEST-TR-FAILEDtest tracking_request.failed webhook