The transport_events table contains 1 row per event (idis the unique key).

An event is associated to a specific container (container_id is the foreign key).

An event is a specific milestone in the container lifecycle: for example, when the container was loaded at the Port of Lading, or when the vessel arrived at the Port of Discharge.

These events are provided as columns in the containers DataSync table, and as rows here in the transport_events table. You can use one or the other based on what is most practical for you.

The transport_events table includes the transshipment events, which are not part of the containers table columns.

This table does not provide any estimated future events.

The transport_events table is currently only provided to DataSync customers who request it.

Rail events from the POD to the inland destination are only provided in the Intermodal Rail product : rail_loaded, rail_departed, rail_arrived, arrived_at_inland_destination, rail_unloaded, pickup_lfd.changed.

idTransport Event ID. This is the unique key of the table.text
eventName of the transport event. For example: container.transport.vessel_departedtext
event_timestampWhen the event happened, as a UTC timestamptimestamp
event_timestamp_localWhen the event happened, as a string in the local time zonetext
container_idID of the container the event is associated totext
container_numberNumber of the container the event is associated totext
shipment_idID of the shipment the event is associated totext
shipment_numberNumber of the shipment the event is associated totext
port_metro_idID of the location where the event happenedtext
port_metro_locodeLocode of the location where the event happenedtext
port_metro_country_codeCountry code of the location where the event happenedtext
port_metro_cityName of the location where the event happenedtext
port_metro_time_zoneName of the time zone where the event happenedtext
facility_idID of the facility (terminal) where the event happenedtext
facility_firms_codeFirms code of the facility (terminal) where the event happenedtext
facility_nicknameNickname of the facility (terminal) where the event happenedtext
facility_nameName of the facility (terminal) where the event happenedtext
vessel_idID of the vessel associated to the eventtext
vessel_nameName of the vessel associated to the eventtext
vessel_imoIMO of the vessel associated to the eventtext
vessel_mmsiMMSI of the vessel associated to the eventtext
voyage_numberVoyage number associated to the eventtext
data_source_labelData source of the event: shipping_line, terminal, ais, rail, t49_operations_team, user_inputtext
invalidated_atWhen the event was marked as invalid, as a UTC timestamptimestamp
invalidation_reasonReason why the event was marked as invalidtext
previous_version_idIf the event replaces an invalidated event, this is the ID of the invalidated eventtext
created_atWhen the event was originally added, as a UTC timestamptimestamp
updated_atWhen the event was updated, as a UTC timestamptimestamp